Be Creative!

So today I received an email telling me about a new video on YouTube of T. D. Jakes, talking about one of my favorite topics -Transformational Creativity. When I got the notification, I was elbow-deep in another project, but I didn't hesitate to plug in my earbuds and start listening!  Why? Well I really enjoy Bishop Jakes, but more than that, creativity is the magic word that gets me going!

Creativity is the secret sauce to making your Dance Ministry amazing!  Now I know you are thinking - 
Wait a minute!  No it's the ANOINTING that makes the difference!! 
 I fully agree! The anointing does make the difference - but that's not a secret!  At least it shouldn't be! We already know that it's in God that we live, move and have our being, so the anointing goes without saying!

Now that we've got that point settled, BELIEVE me when I tell you, creativity is such an AWESOME gift from God, and it's the ONE thing that I most often don't see enough of in dance and movement ministry.
 When it's applied in your ministry, you will experience an incredible level of ministry that will reach, engage, and transform your congregation every time! And isn't that what we want? Dance ministry that changes and transforms lives?

How would you assess your team's creativity? Okay? Boring? Mediocre?
Are you stuck in "The Wave Zone?"

If you struggle with creativity, first realize that God is the Master Creator, and He created you in His likeness.  That means YOU have creative power!  Learn how to turn it on.  The Dance Ministry Manual Online Course can help you get out of the rut of stifled creativity and boring choreography, and help you get to the place of Tranformational Creativity!

Don't believe me? Look what Dayna had to say!

"I just wanted to share how the dance ministry manual course has really opened my eyes to how to be a better dance leader and team member. I am excited about the creativity that has been renewed by God through the course." 

And with the new lower price that gives you FULL access to the online course, you can get started with taking your dance ministry to the next level right away!  Go ahead and click the pic to sign up!

I'll even give you 10% off!  Just use the coupon code TakeTen when you check out!

See you there!
