Every Other Third Saturday?

"Alright everybody! Let's not forget that we have practice next month on the third Saturday! Try to remember everything we learned last month, 'cause we gotta minister on fifth Sunday and we wanna get it right this time!"

Ummm . . . what???

Every Other Third Saturday??
It always stuns me when I talk to a dance ministry leader, asking how often does the ministry practice, and the answer is something like "every other third Saturday" (or less)! An answer like that makes my eyebrows scrunch together. 

Let's Be Honest Here...
We all know deep down inside, we can't become excellent at anything working on it just once every other month, or even once a month.  It's sad to say, but it's only at church that people seem to have that kind of expectation. Plainly stated, infrequent practices only result in mediocre performances and uncommitted members, at best.

Be Like Nike and Just Do It!
One of the most efficient ways to get to excellence is simply to practice often. What I recommend is no less than once a week, but preferably two or three times per week. Yes, that can be a commitment stretch, but when your team sees your dedication to making the team excellent, you will see a greater level of commitment from your team, which begins to pave the way to where you want to be... excellent! Simple enough right? So let's see it! Ready, set, go!

Here's Your To-Do For The Week:  
Check your schedule and see where you can squeeze in more practice time, even if it's just an hour. You will be AMAZED at the difference it makes! And if you want to know just how to make your practice sessions more dynamically productive, join us in The Dance Ministry Manual Training Program. We'll show you just how to do it!

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed...."
— 2 Tim 2:15